
Onshore wind turbines play a crucial role in achieving the Netherlands' sustainability goals, yet their societal impact is significant. Enber supports local governments, energy cooperatives, and developers in structuring, financing, and managing wind energy projects. We apply our expertise to facilitate local ownership and develop diverse participation models, ensuring broad community support and contributing to an inclusive and sustainable energy transition.
Wind farm Nij Hiddum Houw


Wind farm Nij Hiddum Houw

Water Board Friesland and the Municipality of Súdwest-Fryslân successfully acquired a 20 MW wind farm from Vattenfall. Enber played a key role in this transaction by preparing the business case, negotiating the purchase terms, and guiding the due diligence process. Additionally, we supported the authorized bodies in their decision-making process. Since the acquisition in 2023, Enber has continued to advise the wind farm’s management on operational matters, ensuring efficient and sustainable performance.

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Groningen Seaports


Groningen Seaports

The Groningen Seaports port authority leases land positions to companies. By offering locally generated green electricity, it enhances its business environment. Therefore, in the development of various wind farms in the region, an option for a minority stake was secured. When it came time to exercise these options, Enber guided Groningen Seaports through the process. Enber conducted the negotiations, including the purchase and the integration into the documentation of a consortium of international financiers.

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Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta


Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta

The water authority WDOD aims to be energy-neutral on an annual basis by 2025 and to maintain this status consistently. Achieving this requires not only an expansion of their own energy production but also the development of a reliable, available, and affordable energy system. Enber conducted an analysis to determine the best approach to achieving these goals.

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